"Are You Awake?" (moon glass)
Original Print
Mixed Media
3 x 4.5 inches
The Pantone Series is a group of original creations that are placed on Pantone sample cards. I have always loved picking out colors and am often enchanted by the names they are given. It is almost as important to me as the shade. If I am stuck between a few choices, the name the resonates the most with my practice at the time gets chosen. (In case you were wondering this same train of thought follows me to the nail salon.)
Moon Glass is a gorgeous shade of blue/green. It was giving this milky dewy sky that inspired me to pull from my insomnia collection. This one more of a wishful ignorance vibe rather than the classic "u up?" I made it in a dreamier state of being.
I recommend a 3.5 x 5 inch frame. Some linked below :)